After the successful Kick-off meeting held in Greece, the power team of New Horizons got together once again for a productive project meeting during the spring festival season in Granada, Spain. Thanks to our excellent hosts DEFOIN the project consortium managed to progress in one of the most important parts of the New Horizons project – the development of the Training curriculum and modules for counsellors working with people with acquired disabilities.
The meeting provided a stimulus to the project, enabling partner experts to collaborate, to pool knowledge and develop new thinking to assist the project objective of supporting people with acquired disabilities to build their confidence and make informed career choices.
The sessions at the meeting provided a recap on the desk research and needs analysis in each partner country, the establishment and the use of online social platform for learning and counselling services and in-depth work on the creation of the training programme for Career Counselling. The modules commenced at the partner meeting will be developed further and prepared for the Train-the-Trainer week that will take place in Austria in October 2017. In the evenings, partners had the chance to visit Granada and enjoy the wonderful city.
Energised and equipped with knowledge and shared expertise, the project partners are currently working on the development of 6 key modules that are going to be part of the New Horizons online social platform.
Do you want to expand your NEW HORIZONS as a counsellor?
If you a curious how you can develop your skills as a counsellor of people with acquire disabilities in the process of their labour market reintegration, please take a look at our project’s website www.newhorizons-eu.org or drop us a line at [email protected] to keep you updated.