CATRO Bulgaria is part of the leading Austrian consultancy company for human resource management – CATRO Personalberatung. Thanks to our partners – the consulting company for lifelong learning, education and training – dieBerater®, we are able to draw on the expertise and knowledge of specialists with international experience and to offer our clients cutting-edge know-how in all areas related to human resources management and development.
Our four main areas in Bulgaria are:
- Search and Selection of high qualified professionals and executives in various economic sectors;
- Training and Development of employees’ potential through tailor-made solutions, incl. individual and team coaching;
- Organisational consultancy for HR process optimisation, performance improvement and higher employees’ motivation and engagement;
- EU project consultancy, incl. research, preparation and implementation of EU funded projects in different fields: education and training, entrepreneurship and innovation, competitiveness, career counselling of socially disadvantaged groups,
The root of our success – and our clients’ – is the sheer inspiration that we bring into every project we work on.
For more information visit:
New Horizons National representative: Anelia Dimitrova, [email protected]

University of Thessaly
University of Thessaly, with 18 Departments and various Research Centers, is a University with its own identity and with a prominent position in our national educational system. It was established in 1984 as University Of Thessaly (Presidential Decree 83/1984). Its administrative and academic center is in the City of Volos. The University of Thessaly is extended over the whole Region of Thessaly with academic Departments in Volos, Larissa, Trikala, Karditsa and Lamia. University of Thessaly provides undergraduate and postgraduate programs and extra-curricular modules in specific research and business fields, for over 12000 students. The main mission of the University of Thessaly is the promotion of scientific knowledge through research and the contribution to the cultural and economic development of the local community and wider society.
As one of the University of Thessaly central institutions, the Career & Lifelong Learning Center of University of Thessaly supports all major processes at the University and provides basic and individually tailored services in order to systematize and unify the decentral training in the various fields. The Career and Lifelong Learning Center is associated with organizing, coordinating and providing continuous vocational training as well as managing the effective transition of its graduates to the labor market.
For more information visit:
New Horizons National representative: Eleni Vezali, [email protected]

Career Development and Integration (DEFOIN) has extensive experience in the comprehensive management of training plans, as well as specific solutions tailored to the need of design, management and delivery of continuing and occupational training for businesses and employed and unemployed. Training plans DEFOIN managed at all times seeks to enhance the skills of students, improvement and integration into the labor market, expand and update their knowledge. All with the ultimate goal of improving the productivity of workers and organizations, increasing profitability and improving the quality of services of both. DEFOIN managed plans offer training aimed at employed and unemployed, as well as training demand by the company.
We also have a network of over 180 collaborating centers scattered around the country and accredited to conduct leading to the award of certificates of professionalism in training different professional families. DEFOIN has been authorized as Employment Agency to provide workers / as a labor intermediation and users in finding and achieving suitable employment.
For more information visit:
New Horizons National representative: Javier Morales Luque,

Exchange House Ireland
National Traveller Service
Exchange House Ireland is the largest front-line service provider for the Traveller community in Ireland. Travellers are an ethnic minority group that experience discrimination, social exclusion, poverty, low educational attainment and poor health. We support families through the provision of our four main services; Family Support and Crisis Intervention, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, Education and Training, and our Children and Young People’s Service. Our team of qualified, experienced and accredited professionals work with children, young people and adults. We also work on projects funded by the European Commission with partners across Europe in the areas of education, social inclusion, domestic violence, online learning, and best practice.
For more information visit:
New Horizons National representative: Dearbhail Lawless, [email protected]

IMS Research & Development Centre
IMS Research & Development Centre is a non-profit organization based in Limassol, with a view to scientific and innovative excellence.
Its activity cycle focuses on the production of new knowledge and on the transmission of knowledge through educational processes, training and research and on the use of new knowledge in new production processes and/or applications. In close interaction and synergy with the IMS Private School, the IMS Research & Development Centre connects the transfer of knowledge and expertise with the innovative development, and invests in dynamic development of human resources.
IMS R&D supports all technologies and services that have a positive life cycle impact on
- Education and career planning
- Social development issues
- Environment
Since its establishment in 2015, IMS R&D has established a wealth of initiatives, which have made us a highly specialized organization in the following indicative fields of expertise: Research & Innovation, Education and training, Entrepreneurship, Employment and social inclusion, European Identity.
Senior members of the Organization include people with extensive experience and knowledge of educational and research thrives in Europe, who will extend the framework of action and perspectives in the field of scientific development. The Organisation’s research team has extensive experience in project management and participation in research projects at European and national level (such as FP7, Intelligent Energy, MED, ENPI, INTERREG, LIFE+ etc).
For more information visit:
New Horizons National representative: Rozita Pavlidou, [email protected]

die Berater®
“die Berater” Unternehmensberatungs GmbH focuses on adult education vocational training and human resources development. Founded in 1998 by Martin Röhsner, die Berater® now employs 350 people in over 40 locations throughout Austria, with additional centres in Slovakia, Slovenia, and Bulgaria.
Our services are aimed at private individuals, national and international companies and organisations in all sectors and of any size, as well as the public sector. die Berater’s main fields of activities are: Adult education, Outplacement and EU Projects and project consultancy (
For more information visit:
New Horizons National representative: Maren Satke, [email protected]

Dacorum CVS (working name Community Action Dacorum) is an NGO based in the UK, close to London. We are an NGO which provides support and services to other NGOs and in addition operates a number of projects and services. These include Connect Dacorum (a CSR project which encourages local companies to do good things in the local community), Creative Learning (delivering a range of adult education courses), Herts Interpreting and Translation Service (providing services to the public sector to address language barriers and training interpreters to Diploma standard), Community Transport (hiring minibuses to community groups and a social car scheme), Shopmobility (hiring scooters to individuals with mobility difficulties), Radio Dacorum (internet community radio station) and Repair Shed (addressing social isolation among older men).
In addition to the local services, Dacorum CVS is very pro-active in European projects, using the local expertise as the knowledge to meaningfully support a range of initiatives. We are accredited to host and send for EVS projects and recent Strategic Partnership projects have covered the topics of supporting migrants, promoting language learning, training trainers, building capacity in youth workers and career advisers and active ageing. In the New Horizons project we will be utilising our expertise and knowledge from previously being a sub-contractor for the National Careers Service in the UK and transfer to Bulgaria of the UK training model for career advisors.
For more information about Dacorum CVS, please access:
New Horizons National representative: Musarat Inayat, [email protected]